Villa Mugiasca, situated in Villa Guardia, near Como, is the result of the project of renovation by the architect Simone Cantoni, who, between 1788 and 1804, under the commission of the Bishop Gian Battista Mugiasca, restructured the existing structures of the old villa built in the XVII century in a neoclassical style. Hus has followed the renovation of some parts of this historical building between 2017 and 2018, both as architects and project managers.
Carisma headquarters occupy one of the arms of Villa Mugiasca. For the renovation of this area the main idea was to focus on the surfaces since all the historical structures were to be maintained. In relation to the fascination of the owner for mathematics, the floor drawing is based on a composition of Pythagorean triples passing from one room to another. The drawing is made through linear brass stripes inserted into a cocciopesto base, working as expansion joints for the floor itself. Having to insert some cuts in the homogeneous surface of the floor, the idea was to find a solution that could be both aesthetically and technical. Those elements eventually find correspondence with the linearity of the light bars, both suspended on ceilings and crossed on the corners of the rooms.